
Blog Neglect

I am so ashamed right now about how much neglect I have been showing my blog!
My husband John got me an iPad for business work and, would you know it, I cannot use blogger on it. So there you have it. My excuse. I am rarely on my laptop anymore and therefore do not post new blogs. I am trying to change that, so expect more posts in the future!!
There are so many changes coming up, both in my personal life and my Feathered Designs life! I don't have any specifics at this moment that I can share but some I am really excited about and others I could do without! I will share more as each unfolds.
One thing I can share is that I hope to have my website soon!!!!! Yeah!!! This has been a long time coming and I've been spending my summer gearing up for this. I am so ready to take Feathered Designs to a new level and I think that having my own website will be the biggest + for me right now.
Also, my work might be featured in a small magazine next year!! So excited about seeing my pieces on the glossy pages of a magazine(!) and it will help to expand my network and get FD out there.
Just trying to keep busy these days and not realise that WI summer days are at an end...I will be buried in snow soon and I'm not looking forward to it!
Madey keeps me very busy though and having an Etsy business + a toddler is a handful for me. I can just see all the working mothers out there laughing at me and saying "just you wait!".
Which brings me to... I am really needing to get advise on what to do to keep my toddler (18 mo.) occupied wile I work in my studio! She is at the point right now where she always has to be in the same room with me and gets board very easily. She often wants to get up on my lap and help with feathers!!! I am at a loss...any help would be great.
Sorry to have neglected you all for so long. I have picture of custom work that I did over the summer to share, so I hope to have those up soon along with some of my appreciation photos/comments!! I LOVE my customers, they have been so great to me!